August 1st Chapter One
*When Icompared the amount of time she spent with others-even total strangers- Ifelt myself sliding further down the ranks of favorites, getting bumped and bruised.
*With me, she is unreliable. Promises to take me to the movies or the public pool were easily erased with excuses or hate it whenyou pout.
*Ilearned to make things no matter, to put a seal on my hopes and place them on a high shelf, out of reach. And telling myself that there was nothing inside those hopes anyway, Iavoidedthe wounds of deep disappointment. The pain was no worse than the quick sting of a booster shot.
*If hopes never come true, then hope for what you don’t want.
* As soon as night fell, the grasshopper began to chirp as loudly as a bicycle bell warning people to get out of the road.
* If you ask someone to cut off his hand to save you from flying off with the roof, he immediately cuts off both hands to show he is more than glad to do so.”
*Sure,I loved him –too much. And he loved me, only not enough. Ijust want someone who think I‘m number one of his life. I’m not willing to accept emotional scraps anymore.
August 2nd Chapter Two
“Now you have no heart, how can live? Now energy, no color in cheek, pale, sad, tired.”
還有另一句也很喜歡“Time is not the same between one lifetime and the next.”就像文中所說的一樣,每個人的時間都是不一樣的,我們的時間永遠不會與那先我們的摯愛一樣,或許我們能做的就是盡我們可以做的珍惜身邊的親友,而不是為了金錢和工作而忘記生活中更加重要的事情,當然金錢也很重要。φ(>ω<*)
本章以O(shè)livia的夢境為主,朦朧又不缺乏現(xiàn)實感,介紹了客家人的生活方式以及那里是如何決定自己的另一半的,那里的女人堅強美麗,歌聲動人,也會持家又不嫌苦嫌累以及當Cape誘騙村民加入戰(zhàn)斗為上帝而戰(zhàn),結(jié)果打破了原有的平靜的同時,也是他們妻離子散,只剩下老人與孩子。還介紹了Miss Banner和Lao Lu與她發(fā)生的事情。
*He was strong enough to work himself to death, smart enough to find the answer to whatever he wanted to know.
*Chinese words are good and bad this way, so many meanings, depending on what you hold in your heart.
感受:感覺這一章讀的朦朦朧朧的,好像讀懂了, 但好像也沒讀懂,大家的打卡都很棒,感觸很深。
August 3st Chapter Three
這一章主要談討了Olivia與鬼魂之間的事兒,以與Simon的爭吵為出發(fā)點,展開了與Miss Bonner之間的事情,以及帶走自己娃娃上的披肩的小女鬼,她驚訝于鬼魂可以帶走活人的東西。但我更喜歡的一段情節(jié)就是她與Simon探討死亡后生活的問題,天堂或是地獄是否真實的存在,其實我們都不知曉,只是有的時候只是種希望或是信念,信或是不信只在于個人。而且有些時候,那些我們身邊的親友,有一天他們離開我們時,我們傷心,我們懷念,我們回憶,但是隨著時間的流逝,我們會不會像文中所說的那樣,那樣的真切的感覺就此消失。不知緣由,又不知需不需要去尋找。其實對于死亡,還是所知甚少,有事不想提及,因為害怕,因為不安,不過現(xiàn)在還是努力的過好每一天,才是最重要的。
1. What is the “married filing joint return”?
2. What made Olivia believe that she would be a photographer?
Aunt Betty was the first person to tell Olivia that she had a photigraphic.
3. What was the Captain, a dog or a human being?
a dog
4. Where did Miss Banner come from?
She was born to a family who lived in a village far, far west of Thistle.And now was different; she was born in America, a country beyond Africa, beyond England and Portugal.
5. What was listening to in this world according to Nunumu?
Metal, wood, water, fire, earth.
6. Can Oliva see ghost when she was little?yes
7. Who did she say the other day when she was playing a Barbie doll?
A girl who is a ghost.
8. What went missing?
The feather boa.
9. What were the two explanations she provided?
Captain took it or buried it in thd backyard or her mom sucked it into the vacuum.
10. What did Oliva and Simon have in common?
The feelingsabout Eric.
11. What made her love Simon more? Why?
They alaways have the same feeling that makes she felt really warm and this is why she loves Simon.'
1. Of cicadas, she would say they looked like dead leaves fluttering, felt like paper crackling, sounded like fire roaring, smelled like dust rising, and tasted like the devil frying in oil.
2. By the time I went to college, I didn’t believe in heaven and hell anymore, none of those metaphors for reward and punishment based on absolute good and evil
August 4th Chapter Four
本章以O(shè)livia與她媽媽的之間的故事開始,有關(guān)于她媽媽看待婚姻戀情的想法,還有與媽媽之間的交談以及想起以前需要媽媽是他卻不在的傷心,反而是Kwan來關(guān)心他的故事。我最喜歡的是前一半部分,在她小時候,他的媽媽對她的要求允諾著,但從未履行過,一次次的傷心與失落在無形中讓她放棄了對于來自媽媽的愛,就像第一章所說的那樣“Ilearned to make things no matter, to put a seal on my hopes and place them on a high shelf, out of reach. And telling myself that there was nothing inside those hopes anyway, Iavoidedthe wounds of deep disappointment. The pain was no worse than the quick sting of a booster shot. ”她把自己的傷痛埋得很深很深,不去在意,不去渴求,然而這一次與媽媽的談話又讓那樣的傷痛顯現(xiàn),盡管母親說要安慰她,但實則卻是責備他的婚姻,她說她的婚姻同她的一樣失敗,她的母親將她傷疤再次戳破,她不想去,但思緒已經(jīng)回到以前,她想起自己獨自在床上哭泣,盡管不想被Kwan發(fā)現(xiàn),但還是發(fā)現(xiàn)了,Kwan女里逗她笑,不想讓她傷心,但又能怎樣,對于母親帶來的傷是抹去的,因為Kwan畢竟不是媽媽呀。
1. What does the following sentence mean? Through these guiding thoughts, my mother has found true love as many times as she’s quit smoking for good.
2. When was Oliva angry with her mother?
Her mom promised to do a lot of things with Olivia but never perform it, moreover, when Olivia asked why, she always complainsto her. Olivia never felt true love from her mother which hurt her heart deeply.
3. Why could not Kwan see God or Jesus?
She thought because she was Chinese.
4. Who was Miss Banner's sweetheart?
General Cape
5. What are the reasons that some newcomers sat on the back benches?
This was in case the Ghost Merchant came back and they needed to runaway
6. Why did people in the sermon like the little show very much?
Because when the music started, we knew our suffering was almost atan end
7. Why were the Sunday sermon become very popular?
Many beggars came to hearMiss Banner’s stories from her childhood which made everyone every happy.
8. What was the second secret of Nunumu?
She know who is the Miss Banner’s sweatheart.
9. How did Nunumu know General Cape was Miss Banner's sweetheart?
The shape of a naked ladyin the box which the image on the cloth of General Cape.
Do you think Oliva’s mother should be blamed for Oliva’s failed marriage?
No, marriage is a thing for both of them not for her mother. One can never blamed other’s marriage, there is a lot of things that we never know about them, the thing between, so how can we blamed them as we never truly know them. So does Olivia’s mom.
Why did author create a mother and a Kwan in such a contrast?
Both of them is Olivia’s nearest man, one is her mother, another is her sister, but her never give her trulywarm when she needed, while Kwan play this role all her life. But the most important thing is the role of mom can never replace by Kwan. Mom is mom , Kwan is Kwan, even she is important to Olivia. So in my opinion the author want us to know the importance of the influencethat our parent does.
August 5th Chapter Five
Kwan想盡辦法讓Olivia與Simon聯(lián)系,在Kwan 看來,他們很適合,她不希望她們就此分開,但是每個人對于愛的要求不同,Olivia想要的更多,她愛他,他也愛她,但是她只是覺得這樣的愛并滿足不了她,這樣的愛,對于她來講是遠遠不夠的。Olivia回憶起她與Simon相遇、相識以及她愛上他那一段日子,甜蜜又帶上著傷痛,就像文中所說“Happy and sad sometimes come from the same thing.”她和每個普通的女生一樣,在愛情來臨的時候,有些不理智,她會去比較她與Eliza的種種,在看到Eliza的照片時,又慶幸自己比她長得漂亮,但當Simon談及Eliza的怎樣怎樣時,她又感到鉆心般的疼痛,當然她有時也會為了迎合他的話題而撒謊,也會為一點點的小事兒開心起來,由此可見Olivia 是如此的深愛著Simon,其實還是很希望他們在一起的。
August 6th Chapter Six
事情發(fā)展的出乎我的預料,Simon 主動親了Olivia,但那之后又說了句“sorry”,我想這是每一個女生最不想聽到的吧,之后他又向她解釋,說他好像同時愛這兩個人,Olivia 不知所措,既生氣又有些期待,盡管對于Simon的態(tài)度很不滿意,但是對于Olivia,她并不想放棄這次機會,她決定與Elza一決勝負。但是讓Olivia沒有想到的是她懷孕了,并且已經(jīng)開始想要與Simon決定今后的生活. Simon讓兩個女人傷心,Olivia質(zhì)問他,責怪他,而Elza卻發(fā)生了意外,不幸的離開了他們,Simon瞬間崩潰了,Olivia感覺很愧疚,她覺得好像是她讓她出現(xiàn)意外的。后來他們還是在一起了,但是其實Olivia并不開心,她的生活到處是她印記,她想安慰他,就和他一起去回憶,去“他們”所見所聞的地方,Simon過得不容易,然而Olivia過得更痛苦。
這場愛情來的不容易,但是當他真正到來時,好像沒有想象中的美好,充滿了對愧疚、痛苦、忍讓、無奈…但是仔細想想,到底又是誰做錯了?Olivia? Simon? 還是Elza? Simon怪他不負責?還是怪Olivia 是第三者?還是Elza太沖動?其實我說不清,只是覺得感情有時也是不能控制的,愛而不得的痛是極為痛苦的。只是愛得更深的那個人其實是最痛苦的。
I felt myself becoming smaller yet denser, about to be crushed by the weight of my own heart, as if the laws of gravity and balance had changed and I was now violating them.
August 7th Chapter Seven
自從Elza 去世之后,Olivia由于自己的愧疚以及Simon對她一直不能忘記,他們的生活處處有她的痕跡,那不是他們的生活,那是他們?nèi)齻€人的生活,而且Olivia像是第三者,她漸漸地失去原來那樣的她,她迎合Simon,好像她也極其想念她,但是這都是假象她想徹徹底底的擺脫Elza的影子,想徹徹底底的掙脫她的束縛,因此她尋求Kwan的幫助,尋找她,并將Kwan請到她與Simon的家中,以此讓Simon相信Elza希望它開啟新的生活,并徹徹底底的忘記她,Simon相信了這個騙局,沒有再去提過Elza,他們的生活開始了,但是一切并沒有想象中的美好,Elza的思緒一直纏繞在Olivia的心頭,并沒有因為“新的開始”而改變,她的嫉妒轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)楹ε隆鷳n,而且Olivia害怕Simon發(fā)覺他其實并不是真正的愛她,而他們的婚姻也會注定會就此失敗。
I’ve come to know that the heart has a will of its own, no matter what youwish, no matter how often you pull out the roots of your worst fears.
Yet over these last seventeen years, I’ve come to know that the heart has a will of its own, no matter what you wish, no matter how often you pull out the roots of your worst fears.
August8th Chapter Eight
這兩天讀的這幾章越看心情越復雜?。?!想到了一首詩Love me little Love me long, 愛我少一點,愛我久一點,在愛情當中,誰不希望對方多愛自己一點,如果那樣意味著分離,還不如在一開始愛我少一點,愛我久一點,這樣透漏的點點悲傷與無奈就好像是Olivia的內(nèi)心情感,我想這也是后來她決定離婚的原因吧,即使眼前的是自己所愛,但好似守了一顆空殼的心,這樣的無奈與哀傷還不就此分開。
As to our hopes, our dreams, our secret desires, we couldn’t talk aboutthose. They were too vague, too frightening, too important. And so they stayedinside us, growing like a cancer, a body eating away at itself.
Simon took my handagain and squeezed it. I squeezed back.This had potential. Together, I thought, Simon and I could dream up waysto fill the emptiness.
Love me little, love me long
- 愛我少一點,愛我久一點-
Is the burden of my song
Love that is too hot and strong
Burneth soon to waste
Still, I would not have thee cold
Not too backward ,nor too bold
Love that lasteth till its old
Fadeth not in haste
Love me little ,Love me long
Is the burden of my song
If thou love me too much,
It will not prove me as true as touch
Love me little ,more than such
For I fear the end.
I am with little well content
And a little from thee sent
Is enough, with true intent
To be steadfast friend.
August9th Chapter Nine
☆They didn’t seem to be having a fight. They justacted resigned, disconnected from both happiness and discomfort.
☆I(lǐng) felt like a small child, hungry and hot,itchy and tired, frustrated that I couldn’t say what I really wanted to. “I’mtalking about us, what’s important. I feel like we’re stagnating and mold isgrowing around the edges.
☆I(lǐng) felt stuck in the bottom of a wishing well. I was desperate to shout what Iwanted, but I didn’t know what that was. I knew only what it wasn’t.
☆He patted my eyes with a tissue, wiped my nose, then eased medown on the bed.
☆The pain seemed to last forever, but lovedisintegrated in a second.
☆I(lǐng) mademyself as unemotional as I could. No hurt, no anger, no forgiveness.
August 10st Chapter Ten
Kwan不希望他們就此這樣分開,因為Lao Lu說他們是天命姻緣,他們注定在一起,盡管她不相信。這章中還講了yiban的故事。
☆To me, best time now. You wait, everything change. Yin people know this.
☆I(lǐng) belonged to everyone, so Ibelong to no one.
☆I(lǐng)n all my life, Ihad never seen a person so intelligent, so wistful, so deserving to belong.
August 11st Chapter Eleven
Living alone edges my imagination toward dangers.
We ’re both quiet, as if to remember our marriage with a few moments of respectful silence.
But I say nothing, and even congratulatemysef for being keep my ill feelings in check, to not show how much I hurt.
Being able to restrain my emotions isn’t a great victory -it’s the pitful proof of last love. Every word, every gesture is now loaded with ambiously, nothing can be taken at face value.
August 12st Chapter Twelve
Simon還是很在意Olivia的感受他打電話與她商討關(guān)于去中國的事情,他說他不希望因為他而讓她錯過去中國的這次機會,他希望她可以去中國,因為這對于她來講意義非凡。而Olivia聽了Simon的勸說與他的理解寬容時,她突然意識到或許他們可以通過這次機會重新變成朋友,靈魂”之交很難再碰到一個。Olivia試探的邀請他一起去中國,Simon立馬答應(yīng)了。讀到這里的時候,真的好感動,他們的關(guān)系總算有些變化了。還是很希望他們在一起。很喜歡Simon說的那句話超喜歡!“I never stopped being yours.”而這個時候Olivia壓抑的心情總算是變得明朗些了。
The first time I was a child that Kwan will be my constant companion for two weeks. The first time that Simon and I will travel together and sleep in seperate rooms.…the emotional havoc of going with the very two people who are the source of my greatest heartaches and hears.
Fate is the reason I'm going. Fate has no logic, you can't argue with it any more than you can argue with a tornado, an earthquake, a terrorist. Fate is another name for Kwan.
August 13st Chapter thirteen
If you want to take picture of Chinese food, you have to taste real Chinese food. the flavours soak into your tongue, go into your stomach. the stomach is where your true feelings are. and If you take photos, these true feelings from your stomach can come out, so that everyone can taste the food just by looking at your pictures.
★My body is jittery with exhaustion and excitement.
★Plumes of acid breakfast smoke mingled with the morning mist.
★You can not stop young girls from wishing . No! Everyone must dream. We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming-well, that's like saying you can never change your fate.
“Hope isthegoodthing, maybe the best thing, and no goodthings ever.”
Hope is the thing with feathers
——Emily Dickinson
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
And sweetest in the gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abashed the little bird
That kept so many warm
I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea
Yet, never, in extremity
Tasked a crumb of me
August 14st Chapter fourteen
Kwan 看到了那熟悉的美景,那是Kwan給她講的故事,那是夢中的景象!這才是他們真想要看到的景象,這里沒有喧囂,沒有美國街頭的快節(jié)奏,這里平靜,祥和,給予人溫暖的感覺。
★You can not stop people from wishing. They can't help trying. As long as they can see sky, they'll always want to go As high As they can.
★Simon's face is tense, but when he catches me looking at him, he smiles.很溫馨的畫面是不是ε?(?> ?<)? з
★In the distance is another pair of tall peaks, dark jade in color, and beyond the purple shadows of two more. Simon and i stare at each other, wide-eyed.
★Anyway, regrets are useless, always too late.
August 15st Chapter fifteen
Olivia因為Big Ma的離世十分傷心,但是Kwan不知道如何去安慰她,她不認識Big Ma,也并不了解她,但卻曾經(jīng)極度的傷過她,在她的心上刻上了傷疤。這讓特Kwan想起了自己的母親,如果未來的某一天自己的母親也離她而去的時候,她會不會也會感到難過、孤單,會不會對她對自己的傷害選擇原諒,帶著這樣的愧疚她思考著這個問題。其實Kwan是愛她的,只因為重視,才會受到傷害,我們總是對于那些我們所愛的人更加的苛刻,我們會對他們索取的很多,希望得到他們的重視自己更多的愛護。其實對于現(xiàn)在的Kwan來講,她想要的不過是一句來自母親的對不起而已。
★The rivers are already flowing, not with boats but with blood.
★Ten years before, the Heavenly King had sent a tide of death from the mountains to the coast. Blood flowed, millions died.Now the tide was returning.
★But i knew this stillness meant the season of danger was now danger disaster would soon begin. The air was thick and damp, hard to breathe. I saw No birds, I saw no clouds. The sky was stained orange and red, As If the bloodshed had already reached into the heavens.
★And still i couldn't get rid of this feeling that something was crawling on my skin.
★The night grew darker, the air even heavier, as the ground rose up and smashed against My face.
★That with your death, i know too late what i have truly lost.
August 16st Chapter sixteen
Big Ma想要讓Olivia給她拍照,因為當她在世時并沒有什么好看的照片,盡管Kwan并不想給去世的人拍照,但是一想到來中國之后的各種奇怪的事情,她也就同意了。他們來到了Big Ma的家,他們要在這里待上一陣子,但是由于臥室有限Olivia與Simon需要同房,但是她覺得極為不適合,他們畢竟已經(jīng)離婚了。關(guān)于Dulili的身份還是有很多疑問的。
★I wink at Kwan and try to keep a straight face. Simon's eyes widen. this is a game he and I used to play in the early days of living together.
★It's the first warm moment we've shared in a long time. at what point in our marriage did our teasing drift into sarcasm?
August 17st Chapter seventeen
關(guān)于Dulili的故事很奇妙,她從不說話,不像是Kwan那樣瘦弱,她與Kwan是好朋友,他們之間不需要語言,Kwan也是唯一一個能理解她的"shadow talk"的人,她帶來了幸運,也帶來了災(zāi)難,一場大雨讓他們?yōu)l臨死亡,但是他們的靈魂還在,只是Kwan身體再也不能復活了,Big Ma本想將他們埋葬起來,但是奇怪的事情發(fā)生了,lili醒了,但是并不是她,她身上的靈魂是Kwan的!在夢中Kwan來到了yin world,但是lili讓他回去,她說七年之后,一切將會重新安排。然后Kwan就回去了
She watched the world like a baby bird, black, looking for danger.
August 18st Chapter eighteen
Now that our marriage is over, I know what love is. It’s a trick on the brain, the adrenal glands
releasing endorphins. It floods the cells that transmit worry and better sense, drowns them with biochemical bliss. You can know all these things about love, yet it remains irresistible, as beguiling as the floating arms of long sleep.
August 19st Chapter19
看到這一章其實蠻欣慰的,因為Olivia與Simon終于和好了,后來他們在山谷里還是很驚險的,Olivia很擔心他們有危險,而Simon卻想進去看看到底有什么,男人的好奇心總是比女人強,正如文中所說"Probably one of those biological differences between men and women. Women’s brains use higher and more evolved functions, which account for their sensitivity, their humaneness, their worry, whereas men rely on more primitive functions.
August 20st Chaptertwenty
自從Olivia與Simon吵架后,Simon就一直未歸,Olivia的心情又生氣慢慢轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閾?、著急,然后又很焦急、害怕他發(fā)生什么不好的事情,其實她有些坐立不安,但又不想不想表現(xiàn)的過于明顯。后來她再也坐不住了,后來她與Kwan出去尋找,他們找了很久,依舊沒有找到他,不過Kwan卻找到了音樂盒,那個上一世時Ms Banner送給她的音樂盒,而Olivia其實就是Ms Banner,輪回可能會改變一些東西,但那些真正存在于內(nèi)心的情感是帶不走的。
He’s inconsiderate that way. He keeps people waiting. He doesn’t eventhink they might beworried. He’ll be here any minute. He’ll arrive with thatirritating grin of his, and I’ll be pissed for worrying without reason.
August 21st Chapter21
Kwan繼續(xù)講著上一世他們的故事,當Kwan與yi ban安全到達洞穴后,她告訴他了實情,她說Miss Banner只是假裝愛著擦Cape,她只是想要就他們,yiban 聽后機器憤怒,想要回去,Nunumu叫他不要沖動,然后她找了個借口去救Miss Banner,Miss Banner的腿受傷了,但是他們還是回到了洞穴,但卻沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)yiban,后來Miss Banner叫他不要再找了,他們時間也不多了,如果yiban死了,他們將在world of yin 中相遇,然后他們就相互依偎,直到死去。
August 22st Chapter22-24
★You can’t let those you love leave you behind in this worldwithout making them promise they’ll wait.
★We’re still working things out, deciding what’s important, what matters, howto be together for more than eight hours at a stretch without disagreeing aboutwhich radio station we should put on.
★I think Kwan intended to show me the world is not a place but thevastness of the soul. And the soul is nothing more than love, limitless, endless,all that moves us toward knowing what is true. I once thought love wassupposed to be nothing but bliss. I now know it is also worry and grief, hopeand trust.
★Ifpeople we love die, then they are lost only to our ordinary senses. If weremember, we can find them anytime with our hundred secret senses.