大家好,今天小編關(guān)注到一個(gè)比較有意思的話題,就是關(guān)于coming back to you的翻譯問題,于是小編就整理了1個(gè)相關(guān)介紹coming back to you的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。
I'm coming back to you
And I hope you don't mind that I'm wasting your time
I know you want me too
Even though you're not mine
You got that look in your eyes
Come on tell me where you at
When you're back
I won't keep you up
Take a nap
A little gasoline and a match
You just like it better when it's cold
This ain't what you want
This is what you need
Wake up in the morning
Know just what ya need need need need
I'm coming back to you
So I really hope that you don't mind
I know you want me too
Even though you're not mine
You got that look in your eyes
Can you remember when I crossed it
Put the sweat up in this
Like a mosh pit
Think I'm done up in this
Don't you stop me
Don't wanna see you throw a fit
You just like it better when it's cold
到此,以上就是小編對于coming back to you的翻譯問題就介紹到這了,希望介紹關(guān)于coming back to you的1點(diǎn)解答對大家有用。