大家好,今天小編關(guān)注到一個比較有意思的話題,就是關(guān)于kids react的翻譯問題,于是小編就整理了1個相關(guān)介紹kids react的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。
1. She looked at her birthday cake with surprise when she saw the words "Happy Birthday" written on it in icing.
2. The students expressed their surprise when they found out that there was no homework assigned for the weekend.
3. My parents were stunned with surprise when I came home with my new car.
4. The magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat to the surprise of the audience.
5. To my surprise, I found out that my best friend had secretly planned a surprise birthday party for me.
6. The unexpected news of his promotion came as a complete surprise to everyone in the office.
7. It was a surprise to see my old childhood friend after so many years.
8. The guest speaker's speech was filled with surprises, and the audience was captivated throughout.
9. His unexpected proposal took her by surprise, and she didn't know how to react.
10. To everyone's surprise, the new employee turned out to be a total expert in their field.
Baker issued his surprise announcement in Paris after two hours of talks.
Our regiment spring a surprise attack on the enemy position
TMZ said Colony bused its employees to Neverland Ranch this week for a surpriseChristmas party.
A cry of joy and surprise escaped Daniel
到此,以上就是小編對于kids react的翻譯問題就介紹到這了,希望介紹關(guān)于kids react的1點解答對大家有用。